Singing Guide: The Belonging Co feat. Natalie Grant
Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources
The Belonging Co is an American contemporary Christian music collective founded in Nashville, Tennessee in 2014, featuring a wide range of vocalists including the acclaimed artist Natalie Grant. Known for her powerful vocals and chart-topping hits, Natalie Grant has become a well-known and respected name in the contemporary Christian music scene.
If you're looking to learn singing like Natalie Grant, there are a few things you can do to hone your skills.
- First and foremost, it's important to understand breathing basics and breath support, which can greatly affect singing quality. To get started with this, check out the article on "Breathing basics" and "Breath support" from Singing Carrots. You can also try the breathing exercises provided in the "Farinelli Breathing" and "Sustain Vocal" Skill-related Videos.
- Next, it's crucial to find your voice type and vocal range to learn how to sing like Natalie Grant. Use the "Vocal Range Test" tool on Singing Carrots to determine your vocal range, and explore some of the songs like "My Weapon" and "Hosanna" featuring Natalie Grant to understand her unique vocal technique.
- Natalie Grant uses a blend of chest voice and head voice to create a dynamic range. To achieve this, familiarize yourself with voice registers and vocal breaks by reading the "Voice registers & vocal break" article and watching the Skill-related Videos on "Chest Voice/Voice Registers" and "Voice Break".
- Articulation is another important aspect when singing, and Singing Carrots offers articles on "Articulation", "Why do we sing out of pitch?" as well as Skill-related Videos on "Finger Bite" and "Stop Sounding Nasal".
- To sing with emotion and authenticity, it's essential to learn how to perform in front of an audience, overcome stage fright and use intuition, skill, emotion and thinking. Check out Singing Carrots' articles on "Singing with intuition, skills, emotion, and thinking", "How to overcome stage fright", and "Tips for performing on stage". Also, watch Skill-related Videos such as "Relaxing Breath" and "Stage Tips".
- Finally, if you're looking for more in-depth instruction, Singing Carrots offers a comprehensive singing course to help you take your skills to the next level. The course provides 21-lessons covering singing theory and practical tips.
By utilizing these Singing Carrots resources while practicing, you'll be well on your way to learning how to sing like Natalie Grant.